It starts with your Health & Happiness!

Lead your Golden years carefree with Aurum.

How to plan the move in an old age home?

How to plan the move

When you start planning your move to Aurum, we will assist you in preparing a timeline for the transition. This will start with making the decision to take this step towards a relaxed and enjoyable life. You will also decide for yourself or your loved one in need of special care, what level of support you will need? Do you wish to live independently or will you/your parent/loved one need a full time assistant for your daily activities? The next step will be to figure out the things you need to wrap up before and the people who will be involved in the process. Don’t worry, we will walk you through the entire process.

When is it time?

Signs that can help you identify and underline the reasons and benefits of moving to a senior care home. It’s not just about the healthcare needs, an individual also has social and psychological needs.

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When is it time to move into old age home?

How to move?

Moving to a senior care has more to it than just packing the bags - the process includes having the talk with family, selecting the right kind of senior care home and selecting the right accommodation to meet your needs.

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How to move into old age home?

Aurum Factsheet

Get everything you need to know about Aurum in a single downloadable file – starting from the services to the facility, we have covered all the details you need to get started with us.

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Aurum Factsheet

Join The Aurum Family

Share your requirements with us with an easy-selection enquiry form and we will get back to you with the quotation and pre-requisites. Not just that, we will also help you do the financial planning.

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Join The Aurum Family

Short-Term Stay

Aurum Assisted Living has a provision for Short Term Stays range from 1 month to 6 months. Enjoy our facilities, hospitality and ambience to unwind, escape or rejuvenate for a smaller period under the care of our experts. It proves to be a great experience for the seniors in your family

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Short-Term Assisted Living in India

Trial Stay

Not sure about how things will turnout for you? See if for yourself with our trial stay option. Spend anywhere from a day to a week with the Aurum family and then take an educated decision for a more committed future.
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