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Is it Time to Consider An Assisted Living Residence for Your Parents ?

As parents, we see our children growing from being babies in need of constant supervision to becoming more and more independent. From a time when each one of us was dependent on our parents for every basic need from feeding, dressing and bathing to emotional and intellectual engagement, we grew to healthy fully functional adults.

Aging on the other hand, is a process that our parents undergo, from being the head and leaders of the households to reaching a point where sometimes their skills are not as crisp and they start requiring attention or help for even small things. A frequent case that we see would be a chartered accountant who in his prime of life could do complicated calculations with his eyes closed now struggling with even simple calculations. It is important to be alert and observe them for any changes that may signal that it’s time that they get the extra help they need. With a busy professional and personal life, sometimes it gets difficult to keep a close eye and note every change your parents might be undergoing. That can further lead to delay in recognition of health issues and improper supervision at times. This is where assisted living residences play an important role in providing the kind of specialized care required for seniors as they age. They help the seniors with daily meals, help with their acts of daily living, provide medical supervision for giving medicines and general care of health issues as well as help curate activities that help improve the quality of life.

The best part of assisted living residences is that they provide levels of care that are iterated to suit the individual needs of each senior. Apart from management of daily living tasks, they also provide ample opportunities for socialization, recreation and holistic wellness.

It is important to be alert to our parents changing needs and know the signs as to when helping them move to an assisted living facility may be the best move.

Signs that Your Parents May be in Need of Assisted living

Changes in Mood & Behaviour

Have you observed any changes in the behaviour of your parents? Are they isolating themselves, talking less and being distant? Or are they constantly worried and hassled about minor things? Are they instead more irritable and angry to the point that they can seem combative?

It is important to watch out for signs of depression and anxiety. Aggression, sadness and anxiety can also point to underlying disease such as dementia. An assisted living residence will provide opportunities for them to have more meaningful experiences in their daily life and will help improve their quality of life.

Changes in Thinking, Cognition and Memory

Have your parents had difficulty remembering to take their medicines or doctor’s appointment? Have they been repetitive during conversations? Do they frequently lose things around the house?

If you notice a decline in their cognitive and intellectual functioning, it is important to consult a neurologist and get a clear diagnosis. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia can be difficult to manage for the children and caregivers. 24*7 caregiving and supervision is very often needed for dementia patients eventually as the disease progresses. Assisted living facilities also have provisions to provide 24*7 attendants or nurses. Many assisted living residences also have special dementia care facilities. These may include psychological and neurological interventions for dementia as well as symptoms and medication monitoring.

Difficulty in Management of Household

Has your parent been struggling with maintaining the upkeep of their house? Are there leaky faucets and fused bulbs? Have most of the plants died due to neglect?

This may be a sign that your parents are unable to manage the house themselves and are in need of assistance. At an assisted living residence, they are free from the daily hassles of managing meals and housekeeping as those facilities are provided. Extra assistance is also available as per the need to the person.

Difficulty in Management of Finances

Is there a pile of unpaid bills at your parent’s house? Are they finding it hard to go to the bank to manage their finances?

It might be time for you to step in and help them out. They may be overwhelmed by the process of paying their bills on time or maybe even unable to do it themselves. At an assisted living facility, you can rest assured that they will get help in the daily management of their tasks. You can take assistance from the residence in sorting out your parent’s finances and your parent can be freed from the daily tasks that they find overwhelming.

Difficulty Getting Around

Has your parent gait changed? Do they have a tough time getting around? Are they using mobility aids? Do they grab the walls, chairs and dressers around the house to get by?

It is very important to make sure that if your parent needs mobility aids, they have it and are convinced to use it. Poor mobility can cause falls if adequate support is not provided. Thankfully, most assisted living residences have integrated safety features like grab bars, anti skid floors and emergency calls bells along with trained staff to ensure that elders with poor mobility also have the support they need.

Deteriorating Hygiene

Has your parent not been able to maintain their hygiene and grooming? Have they appeared unkempt? Do they need help trimming their toenails?

If it appears that your parents are unable to manage self care tasks like they used to, it might be time to help them move to an assisted living residence. At an assisted living, your parents will get the level of care they need. If your parents require extra care, they can get it by opting for personal caregiver attendants for the hour in the day that they require help.

Deteriorating Health

Has your parent been facing regular health problems? Has nursing supervision been required from time to time? Have visits to the doctor, clinic and hospital increased lately?

If you feel that your parent’s health requires more regular monitoring and supervision, but there is no immediate need for hospitalization or a nursing home, assisted living is a good option. Assisted living facilities have medical supervision by nurses and also have an on boarded doctor. They do daily basic checks on their residents and usually have some additional emergency support features as well. They are better equipped to handle your parent in case of an emergency or if there is a need for hospitalization.

A Cluttered House

Has your parent’s house been cluttered with more belonging that they need? Are you afraid about their safety in moving round? Is it difficult to find important things?

As years progress, so do our belongings. If your parent has accumulated belongings to the point of clutter, it may be time for some Marie Kondo. It is important that your parent live in a clutter free space as that will help prevent falls, accidents as well as improve their overall health and wellness. At an assisted living residence they can take only their important belongings and they will get all the support in daily living that they require.

Accidents and Falls

Has your parent suffered a fall? Was there another accident that got you worried? Were you able to prevent a fall but are worried about it occurring again?

Any fall or almost fall is a sign that extra support is needed for the parent. Falls are extremely dangerous for seniors and must be prevented. Assisted Living Facilities do take extra precautions to prevent falls. It may be time to consider an assisted living facility if fall risk is high as they are built with safety features and emergency support.

Making the Move to Assisted Living

It is imperative that we observe these changes and take timely measures. Many children choose to take on the caregiving tasks themselves. Some may have to leave their jobs and some may choose to hire additional help. Caregiving can be extremely challenging with an elder’s growing needs. It is important to note for signs that you or the caregiver you hired may be getting increasingly frustrated and unable to manage on their own.

It is also not possible for everyone to be able to take out adequate time for their aging parent among other commitments like their own jobs and children. Guilt about not giving adequate care can cause tremendous stress for loved ones turned caregivers. It is also normal, special in the Indian collectivistic culture to feel guilt about leaving one’s parents at a facility. However, it is important to be cognizant of what is best for our parent and not let our guilt stop us from making the right decisions.

Assisted Living residences provide a safe haven for seniors in need of specialized services due to poor mobility and deteriorating health.  When opting for an Assisted Living residence it is important to check that they provide the services you need, be it personal caregivers, emergency support or medical supervision.

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Sharon Boves

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